Shiriat and Hrokor comparison

The Shiriat civilization's distant past is quite turbulent, a collapsed space-faring race, which as such, had left several solar systems inhabited, of which few had survived into the present.

The most successful one is that of the Shiriats and Cyats, which I show the most often.

The Hrokor (along with the Kyotus, a doglike companion creature coming from the same ancestry as the Cyats) is another one surviving, slumped back into a mix of tribal and feudal era once their planet was exhausted and devastated by their early squabbles.

Compared to the Shiriats, they are large and robust, heavier boned and more muscular, their mentality similarly being rather on the rougher end. Once the two races encounter each other, neither would be too fond of the other, the Shiriats regarding the Hrokor as brutes who had never learned from their past, while the Hrokor seeing the Shiriats as a race gone weak, softened up by the comforts of civilization.

The Shiriat as a creature while became refined and long-lived, has indeed adapted to their world, becoming weaker in some aspects. The loss of mass and size could be attributed to their coexistence with the Cyats, riding them, favouring lightness. They however had also lost the sharpness of their beaks, and very notably the ability to synthetize quite some essential compounds, amino-acids, making them (and the Cyats) reliant on their technology to survive.

While the Hrokor despises the Shiriats, they are envious of the Cyats, driving their nobility to pursue means for capturing some to cross-breed with their Kyotus, eventually manifesting in the Kyokkas (Kyotu-Cyats). While they try, they however never manage to breed a variant large and robust enough for riding.

Both races coexist with human (they both enter interstellar space after all due to human expansion finding them), though they do so in different ways by their mentality. Shiriats tend to be rigid about the societies they form, not swaying to human influences, while the Hrokor mixes in more readily. Both races accept human easier as neighbours than one another. Kyokkas are an exception who the Shiriats eventually accept and help refining their established characteristics.

A 180 centimetres tall Shiriat (which is on the very upper end of their typical heights) of average build would weigh around 55 kilos. A Hrokor of the same height and similarly average build is around 10 kilos heavier. The Hrokor still tends to be notably lighter than a similarly built human due to the difference of proportions, them having longer necks and longer digitigrade legs, even with their tail providing some extra weight.

Referred artworks

  • Shiriat & Cyat
  • Shiriat elder


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